In Ghana, the first Friday of December is set aside to acknowledge the hard work of some of the country’s most important individuals – farmers and agricultural workers. So that would mean today! Happy Farmers’ Day!!For a while now I’ve wondered about the future of agriculture in Ghana. It has…
So apparently, CNN decided to switch up its look online. It has a more streamlined look with more social media features and what-not. Social Media is taking over! Anyways, I like the new look, although it’ll take me a while to get used to the glaring red header.The key video…
My dearest sweetheart,We probably haven’t met yet (or maybe we have), but I already have you in my mind’s eye. I already know the shape of your eyes; deep-set dark brown almond eyes that light up whenever you smile or laugh. Laugh, that laugh! Pearls of joy dropped down by…
The long dry untarred road, leads up to a cement-based incomplete bungalowA row of tables along the veranda, with plastic table covers of bougainvilleaUniformed men and women, each with a pair of ‘specs’ perched lightly on their nose ridgesPapers strewn left, right and center, and not a single computer in…
There once lived a wee little fellow Quite a troublesome little fellow was he Fidgety, fidgety, fidgety He never could sit still Until one day he encountered geology Yes, you heard right, geology And with that as silent as a mouse he would be He learned about igneous, sedimentary and…
I -Spotlight on.II -Geez, no need to singe my hair!I -Cameras rolling. Lie detector operational. All right. Spill the beans.II – Which beans are you talking about? Did you give me a pan of beans?I – Listen kiddo, we don’t have time for any of your antics. As you can…
Yesterday, the Library of Congress hosted the annual National Book Festival at the National Mall here in D.C. After finding out about it in the weekend newspaper, I knew I definitely had to be there. So even though it was pouring outside, I grabbed my trusty umbrella, plugged myself in…
It’s interesting now that I think about it, but I have never wanted for housing. There has always been someone out there who has been willing to open up their home (and heart) to me when I was in dire need. And with each person I encounter, I get the…
Monday, September 21 2009. That date is important for two main reasons: Eid ul-Fitr and Kwame Nkrumah’s 100th anniversary. Going with that, I’m going to focus on what I think Kwame Nkrumah’s most important legacy to Ghanaians and Africans is. I don’t idolize him, but I definitely do admire and…
Over the past week, I’ve spent time with my cousins and a visiting “sister” from Ghana who recently had a baby girl. The baby is adorably cute, and my would-be “maternal instincts” immediately kicked in. I’ve always found it amazing how a tiny baby can grow up to be an…