Circumspecte is an award-winning African digital platform, company and development consultancy dedicated to creating useful and inspiring content; teaching digital and career skills; shaping meaningful interactions and experiences; and inspiring creative action on/for/by Africa(ns).
The Digital Platform
Birthed in 2007 as a travel blog, we have spent over a decade creating original, compelling digital content. We’re lucky to have a thriving and growing community of Circumspecte readers from across Africa and the Diaspora, which includes professionals, entrepreneurs, creatives, thought leaders and policymakers. Our readers are Africa-oriented, yet globally-minded. Often immersed in meaningful and/or exciting activities offline, they don’t mind diving into a long, thought-provoking read. Above all, they are dedicated to life-long learning, growth and social impact. They not only enjoy a good story, they are our stories.
The Digital Company & Development Consultancy
With over 12 years under our belt, we know a thing or two about navigating Ghana and Africa’s digital spheres and offer digital services to help others Thrive With Digital. We have served over 30 Africa-oriented clients – startups, companies, non-profits and multinational organisations – offering guidance and advice on how they can effectively leverage digital in their work.
Guided by a firm belief in Africa’s potential and the power of digital to unlock opportunities for Africa(ns), we have trained over 1,000 Africans on digital education since 2016, equipping them with new insights, digital skills and tools to help them thrive personally and professionally, in business, academia and while creating social impact. We also offer services for high-impact development communications including policy research and writing, socio-economic analyses, focus group facilitation as well as event rapporteur services for non-profits, think tanks, and multilateral organisations.
Thrive With Digital – Circumspecte 2020 Service Catalogue by CircumspecteOur Impact (So Far)
It has been a privilege to impact thousands over the years, and we are just getting started.
- Our readers have not only read our inspiring content and useful online resources, but leveraged them to make strides towards their own personal growth and goals. Some of our readers have shared their own stories right here on Circumspecte as guest contributors.
- Our analytical pieces have helped inform public opinion, spark meaningful debates and influence policy in Ghana, while redefining existing narratives on ‘Africa’ in the digital sphere.
- Our unique Circumspecte experiences and events like Sisterhood matters and our CirqMixers have served as launch pads for numerous connections and collaborations, both in Ghana and beyond.
- On a few occasions, we have had the opportunity to draw attention to important social issues, and bring together our community together to fundraise and support social good.
Circumspecte in the News
From time to time, we sit on the other side of the table and receive recognition for the work we do. Each of these milestones give us wind to continue our voyage.
Our media mentions and features include: Al Jazeera, BBC, Citi FM, Citi TV, Daily Graphic, DeutscheWelle, Essence, Forbes, Guardian UK, Global Voices, JoyFM, PRI, Reveal, TEDx, This is Africa, and Thought Catalog.
We have also picked up a few awards along the way, notably:
- Top 20 African Business Blogs (Bonde Reduction Côte d’Ivoire)
- Top Business, Finance & Entrepreneurship Blog in Africa, African Blogger Awards 2016
- Top Social Issues & Active Citizenship Blog in Africa, African Blogger Awards 2016
- Best Citizen Journalism & News in Ghana Blog Award, Blogging Ghana, 2013
- Best Ghana Blog, Tripbase, 2011
Our mission is summed up in three simple, yet powerful words: